The TwinPro Update: 2025-02

 I hope you’re having a great day!

Life at TwinPro World HQ has been very busy for the last while, and it looks primed to stay that way. We’re finishing a few major projects around the building and just getting ready to start a couple of new ones. And we had a wild batch of days printing material for the upcoming provincial election.

Ordering Online
Our first project that I want to complete is the launching of our online storefront. This storefront will allow folks to upload or design various products, order and pay for them, with the files essentially going right into production. There are a lot of projects that can be done this way – business cards, flyers, postcards, and more. Projects that are simple, and do not need any consultation or advice. Automating this process will free up time for our team so that they can be there for the projects that need to be discussed, the projects that benefit from their expertise, and the projects that don’t know what they are quite yet!

We have the site built on the staging server, the core products have been added to it, now all that is left to do is stylize it, add in the payment gateway, and then set it live! We’ll be sure to share the news when it launches.

The second task is to update one of our Management Information Systems from the current server- and terminal-based system to a cloud-based system. This is a huge undertaking as it involves moving over every docket file for every job, and mapping all of the data fields to the new fields. Also then manually checking that each field format works in the new system. Yikes! It’s going to be a major task but once complete our ability to work from anywhere will be complete. Right now we are quite limited in our remote capabilities when it comes to this system. 

Meet The Team
Starting with the March edition of The TwinPro Update we will include a little ‘get to know ya’ feature on a member of our team. I might even recruit a team member or two to write the whole thing!

In late January my family travelled to South Beach Miami where my son competed in Wodapalooza. It was an amazing experience! His top placing was second in an event called “Two Rounds Too Many”.

Here is what he had to do:
40 Calories on an Echo Bike
1000 meter run on the beach
100 Box Step Overs 20″
and then do it all again
40 Calories on an Echo Bike
1000 meter run on the beach
100 Box Step Overs 20″

I was tired just watching it!

– The Ontario election is on February 27
– March Break is March 9 – 14
We make a proof on every project. At a minimum we make a PDF proof, but sometimes we’ll make a Xerox or ann Espon printed proof. Why do we do this? What’s the point? The two reasons we make proofs are:To ensure that the file is the one you want us to print. If you send in a file and we just print it, there’s a chance you sent the wrong file; and we don’t want that.
So we can check that nothing changed from the input file to the output file. It’s rare these days but sometimes a font can default, an image won’t link to the high res version, or some other error can occur and the output file does not match the input.
We will also often make hard proofs for projects that have multiple pages, custom diecuts, complicated folds, etc. We use these proofs for the various steps in the production process to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

The proofing stage should not be used as a stage to check spelling, change the design, fix a line, etc. That should be done before submitting the files for print. Reviewing printer proofs should be a quick process where you compare our file to yours and as long as they match we’re good to go. If you submit a new file we after proofing we have to process it and make another proof – doubling our time and cost for this part of the project.
This is why we ask for “print ready” files. That means they have been reviewed and all changes made, and are ready for print.

I’m not sure what we’ll review next month but if you have a question or idea please reply and let us know.