Category: Company News

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-11

    I’ve been holding off on writing the Update for November in hopes that our new folder, and new Xerox Iridesse would be up and running. But as the saying goes, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry*.” And that’s what’s happened for us. The port strike in Montreal meant that the…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-10

    Looking out from the 12th floor of the Xerox offices at Yonge & Shepherd the sun and sky make me think it’s mid-summer. But the glorious colours of the changing leaves assures me that it is late October. Mother Nature is really putting on a great show of colours – I hope you’re getting out…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-09

    Hello Chris! Although summer is starting to fade into autumn, we’re hoping that the great fun and successes of our clients, suppliers and staff this summer can keep on rolling. If time flies when you’re having fun, we’ve been having A LOT of fun this year. And that’s awesome. Now that the excitement around the business purchase…